Key Features

  • CSS Conversion: Easily convert your CSS from LTR to RTL with a few clicks.
  • ZIP Converter: Convert multiple file types in one go by uploading a zip file.
  • Supported File Types: CSS, SCSS, JS, HTML, and Liquid files are fully supported for hassle-free conversions.
  • File Size Limit: Convert files up to 100MB, suitable for projects of all scales.

How to Use

  1. CSS Conversion

    Paste your existing CSS code into the provided textbox. Click the conversion button to instantly transform your stylesheets from LTR to RTL.

  2. ZIP Converter

    Prepare a .zip file containing your CSS, SCSS, JS, HTML, or Liquid files. Upload the .zip file and let RTL Converter™ handle the rest.

Why Choose RTL Converter™

  • Efficiency: Save time with quick and easy conversion.
  • Versatility: Convert various file types within a .zip archive.
  • File Size Convenience: Accommodates projects of diverse sizes with a 100MB limit.